Zmira Wonders
4 min readAug 31, 2021

Roseon Finance is a hybrid solution that mixes decentralized and centralized apps and connects to external platforms on several chains via its Aggregator Services.

Roseon Mobile, which is currently accessible on iOS and Android, was created with the goal of attracting new people to crypto and DeFi through its customer-centric design.
Roseon Mobile is a mobile cryptocurrency financial that tightly combines with DeFi and CeFi services in a single interface to help simplify the crypto investment process.
It that lets you manage your cryptocurrency portfolio and maximize your returns over DeFi and CeFi networks.
To bring liquidity and yield optimization into the Roseon network, the Roseon Aggregator Service connects with external DeFi and CeFi sources.

Roseon Finance Ecosystem’s Fundamentals

The crypto world experiences a lot of rapid change, which makes it a fascinating place to be.

Things tend to alter with the seasons as a result of these changes.

Decentralized finance (DeFi) is the current fashion.

Decentralized Finance is a type of financial application based on blockchain technology that was inspired by the technology.

As a result, it’s a catch-all word for a multitude of public Blockchain initiatives and applications aimed at reordering the world of traditional banking.

You may be asking why there is so much emphasis on decentralized finance.

This is due to the fact that Roseon Finance is both a DeFi platform and a mobile yield aggregator.

It helps users manage their crypto and non-fungible token (NFT) portfolios as a mobile yield aggregator.

Yield aggregators’ functions

Users benefit from yield aggregators as well.

shifting assets across the most profitable DeFi platforms

Aggregator calculates the best returns in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of Ethereum network gas.

Roseon Finance, on the other hand, is currently enthralled by the non-fungible token (NFT) realm, having recently announced the launch of Roseon Finance non-fungible token (NFT) farm, a farming application.

By simply staking their $ROSN tokens, consumers can earn absolute Roseon Finance NFTs.

The Roseon Finance NFT farm is now up and running, allowing ROSN holders to start staking and earning these unique and precious NFTs right away!

The Roseon development team has created these collectible NFTs to allow users to own a piece of Roseon Finance history.

Users of DeFi platforms earn returns on their Cryptocurrency holdings by yield farming.

Farm of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) by Roseon Finance

Roseon Finance has created three special non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

The originality and quantity of each NFT varies.

They can be reaped without restriction by staking $ROSN tokens in the Roseon Finance NFT Farm.

Only 50 copies of the three Elusive Roseon Revolution non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Roseon Legacy is a limited edition of 200 copies.

Roseon Dynamic is a limited edition of 400 copies.

The maximum number of NFTs that each user will be allowed to claim will be 100.

Each user will receive a total of 5 NFTs.

Make the most of your opportunities and begin staking right now.

Each user will receive 5 nROSN each day for every 1 ROSN staked.

The nROSN token, a synthetic and non-transferable token that can only be used to purchase NFTs within the Roseon Finance farm, will be used to claim these NFTs.

For a better understanding, we shall discuss NTFtrade and NTF Farming as we progress through this essay.

The Roseon Dynamic NFT goes for 300,000 nROSN, whereas the Roseon Revolution and Roseon Legacy NFTs cost 1,500,000 nROSN and 3,750,000 nROSN, respectively.
Users will be able to accumulate enough nROSN to claim the NFT of their choice depending on the number of ROSN a user stakes and for how long.
The Roseon Finance farm also includes a two-week token lock-up period, meaning you won’t be able to unstake your $ROSN tokens for 14 days after they’ve been staked.
NFTrade : NFT’s Ultimate Platform
NFTrade is the first NFT platform that is blockchain agnostic and cross-chain.
It is an aggregator of all non-fungible tokens (NFT) marketplaces and host the whole non-fungible tokens (NFT) lifecycle, allowing anyone to produce, buy, sell, swap, farm, and leverage NFTs across many blockchains in real-time.
Anyone can use NFTrade to acquire access to the totality of their NFT, unlocking the market’s total value.
NFT Farming
Users stake native tokens in exchange for an NFT-based reward in NFT farming, which is based on the principles of token staking and liquidity farming.
Unlike traditional staking, which rewards users with the token they originally staked, NFT farming gives users access to assets that are far more uncommon and distinctive.
The amount of earnable NFTs varies widely based on the the project’s use case, token staked, and what the native development team believes to be the appropriate reward to be made earnable.
Roseon Finance is a company that specializes in finance.
Roseon Finance is a mobile multi-chain yield aggregator that aims to simplify your crypto experience by bringing DeFi to your pocket.
Roseon Finance seeks to bridge the gap between decentralized finance (DeFi) and centralized swap services (CeFi), sometimes known as “CeDeFi,” in the medium to long term.
Roseon Mobile
Roseon Mobile, a multi-chain yield aggregator app that interfaces with many centralized and decentralized businesses, serves as a gateway to DeFi.

